Rewarding recycling!
Be part of Tropaverde and get rewards for your responsible actions. What is Tropaverde?
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What is Tropaverde?
Tropaverde is a web platform that aims to promote recycling and environmental responsibility among citizens directly rewarding good environmental actions.
The web connects the three elements needed to achieve this goal:
- The citizenship
- The places where citizens can deposit residues and where we will be rewarded with vouchers from Tropaverde
- Those commerces who collaborate by providing rewards and/or discounts
How does Tropaverde work?
The operation is very simple: every time a citizen deliver waste (in the places indicated in the section Earn stars of the web) he receives a voucher with stars (points). The citizen can accumulate these stars in his or her account (previous Free registration on the website) to exchange them for discounts and gifts that appear in the section Rewards. The rewards are provided by the local sponsors that collaborate with the platform.